Integrating Facies Analysis with Dipmeter Data to Characterize Point Bars of the Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation, Christina River, AB, Canada
Qi Chen, Alina Shchepetkina, Scott Melnyk, Murray K. Gingras
The Lower Cretaceous McMurray Formation contains crude bitumen reserves of the Athabasca Oilsands that formed by channel amalgamation and lateral migration of fluvio-tidal point bars. These point bars are widely accepted as incised valley fills during episodic base-level rises in tidally influenced estuary (Mathison, 2004; Hein et al., 2013). Historically, well logs such as gamma-ray and spontaneous potential were used in combination with core data to interpret facies and to conduct stratigraphic correlations of the McMurray Formation. Microresistivity image logs, dipmeter logs, and seismic data have greatly improved the identification of facies and recognition of point-bar geometry. In comparison to microresistivity image logs and seismic data, dipmeter data is more regionally accessible; the tool indicates the orientations of fractures, bedding planes and contacts and it is commonly used to delineate boundaries between different point bars in the McMurray Formation. This work provides examples of dipmeter tadpole analyses and discusses how dipmeter-log interpretations can be supported with core-based facies analyses.
This study integrates dipmeter tadpole patterns, sedimentological and ichnological characteristics from 47 sedimentary cores. Vintage dipmeter tadpole patterns were observed and digitized from 52 wells to establish a detailed facies characterization with a particular emphasis on McMurray point-bar complexes and sheltered shoreface/delta deposits. In particular, dipmeter data are useful in indicating paleocurrent directions and lateral accretion orientation of point bars, which helps to reconstruct paleodepositional history and stratigraphic relationships. Point bars in the study area are characterized by these sedimentological and dipmeter characteristics: 1) a lower point-bar section characterized by trough cross-bedded sandstone (locally inclined stratified master bedding) with local mud clasts and disorganized, low-to high-angle dipmeter readings; 2) a middle section represented by inclined heterolithic stratified lateral accretionary deposits that exhibit consistent low-angle dips (5°–18°), and display subtle shallow-to-steep-to-shallow dipmeter pattern; and 3) an upper section of the point bar or in some cases abandoned channel strata comprising laminated and lenticular mudstone or bioturbated heterolithic intertidal strata, each showing low-angle (<4°) dipmeter measurements.
The dipmeter characteristics of estuarine point bars are integrated with core observations to delineate distinct point-bar stacking patterns and stratigraphic units. In particular, dipmeter tadpole patterns help to refine facies interpretations, such as cross-stratified sandstone facies. Similar point bar scales and stacking patterns are observed in four channel sets. Point bars show either NW-SW or NE-SE lateral accretion surfaces, suggesting northward paleocurrent flow direction.
The analyzed datasets support a transgressive fill incised valley fill model that is consistent with earlier McMurray studies in different areas. The four channel sets descend from different stratigraphic levels, but share similarities in scale, orientation and sedimentology/ichnology. The similarity attests to persistent transgression over McMurray time punctuated with regular sea-level fall and rise until the McMurray Formation strata were replaced by Clearwater Formation sedimentation.
Topic: Resource exploration
Published in: Marine and Petroleum Geology
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2021.105449